About Moka
- An Android application to revolutionize in-room collaboration.
- A JavaScript-based output platform for beautiful realtime rendering.
- A powerful Java/Jade-based backend server for the heavy computation and across devices synchronization.
Try it
You can try Moka by cloning our GitHub repos or by downloading directly the following zipballs:
- Java server (moka-server.zip)
- Android app (moka-app.apk)
- HTML5/Javascript platform (moka-platform.zip)
Public API
Moka has a public API for you to be able to interact and make requests with our very own system. We use a RESTful-based server architecture, allowing you to make the following requests:
@GET $SERVER_IP/api/user/list
Returns the list of users currently connected to the system. -
@GET $SERVER_IP/api/item/list
Returns the list of items currently added to the system. -
@GET $SERVER_IP/api/history/list
Returns the list of every action that occured in the system. -
@POST $SERVER_IP/api/item/{id}/image
Allows to add an image resource (.jpg format) for the item
at the given {id}. -
@GET $SERVER_IP/api/item/{id}/image
Returns the image of the item whose id is {id}.
Please note that we currently only support JSON format, but we totally plan to support other formats in a very near future.
The Moka Project in action
Credits and License
Credits go to Thomas Barthélémy https://github.com/tbarthel-fr, Vincent Barthélémy https://github.com/vbarthel-fr, Thomas Keunebroek https://github.com/tkeunebr and Alexandre Masciulli https://github.com/amasciul.
Licensed under the Beerware License:
You can do whatever you want with this stuff.
If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a beer (or basically anything else) in return.